Our School Uniform

School uniform is important to give the children a sense of belonging, a pride in their school and to set high expectations.  Within this, families and children should have the chance to wear what is most comfortable and affordable and we must respect this sense of individuality. There is no expectation that a child must wear a particular type of uniform at a certain time of year or for a particular school event (eg. shirt and tie).  Families are free to decide what a child wears within the uniform options that suits their child at different times of the year and according to the weather.  There is no expectation that a child must wear branded WSG items. High street, non-branded alternatives will always be available.

The following document details the expectations of our uniform and what the children can wear to school.

WSG School Uniform


Where to purchase uniform?

Second Hand sales taking place at school every half term and throughout the year from the school office

Any high street retailer including supermarkets




Our full uniform policy can be read here