SEND Inclusion

Mrs Jennifer Korda, Assistant Headteacher for Inclusion (SENCO) and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead. Mrs Korda is also our Designated Teacher for Looked After Children.

Working days:

  • Mondays        9.15am - 2.30pm

  • Tuesdays        8.00am - 2.30pm

  • Wednesdays  9.15am - 5.00pm

  • Thursdays      9.15am - 2.30pm.

Contact 01483 892 345 email

Special educational needs and disability 

At Wonersh and Shamley Green Church of England Primary School, we are committed to offering an inclusive curriculum to ensure the best possible progress for all of our pupils whatever their needs or abilities.

Central to our SEND work is the core belief that every teacher is a teacher of every pupil, including those with special educational needs.

At Wonersh and Shamley Green Primary School we want each child to achieve his/her best, to become confident individuals living fulfilling lives and to make a successful transition into their next school.

Graduated Response

The Graduated Response document details how we aim to meet children's needs and improve outcomes for children with Special Educational Needs. It follows a four stage process -  Universal, School SEND Support, Specialist SEND Support and Statutory Assessment (EHCP).

Read more here...


Surrey / WSG School SEND Information

All Surrey schools have been asked to outline the provision in place in school to support children with additional special educational needs or disabilities using the Surrey Local Offer Website

WSG Special Educational Needs Information Report 

SEND Statement of Intent, Implementation and Impact 2024/2025

SEND Policy 2024 (Review 2025)

Arrangements For The Admissions Of Pupils With Disabilities 


SIASS (Surrey SEND Information Advice and Support Service)

Provides impartial, confidential and free support to empower parents children and young people with special needs - for more information please use this link SSIASS  

We are committed to ensuring that we are an inclusive school which caters for all differing abilities and needs.  If however you are a parent and wish to raise a concern please follow the process outlined in our Complaints Procedure which can be located here Complaints Procedure Statement


SENCO Clinics 

Mrs Korda's Tuesday clinic dates for the Spring Term 1 are: 14th January, 21st January, 4th February and 11th February.

A 20-minute appointment can be booked via Scopay.

SEND Coffee Mornings / Afternoons 

These are some of the topics we have discussed at previous coffee mornings:

- Supporting your child with their school work
- Sleep / diet / exercise concerns
- Family relationships
- Supporting your children with their social and emotional needs
- Accessing support in the local area for your family / child

We look forward to seeing you there!

NSPCC Positive Parenting Guide for all ages 

Next coffee morning: Spring Term 2 - date to be confirmed