Football Matches
On Thursday 23rd November all classes in KS2 played football matches against Tillingbourne. In the yr 3 match they sadly lost 6-1. Raffey said the team played really well, especially himself. He played up a year; he said that his inspiration to play football is Mr Wiselka.
Year 4 won 3-1 with goals from Charlie, Sophie and Jonny. According to Sophie, “the team played really well and were dominant with possession, WSG seemed much better”.
Year 5 drew 1-1 but played really well with a last minute goal from Keiran. The defenders were so happy they jumped up and down. They played really well with Jacob and VIolet being great defenders.
Amazingly and for the 1st time, WSG Year 6 beat Tillingbourne A team 2-1 with an amazing goal from Ben. Jasper Sharp (otherwise known as JLSpunch the amazing youtuber, subscribe) was voted man of the match by the other players for his game winning defending. He said, “the team played really well and were playing their best game from start to finish”. Year 6 were very resilient after going 1-0 down, they came back with 2 goals and some great defence from Jasper, Reuben, Ben and Freddie. Some great passing by the midfield, Tom & Reuben. Everyone was resilient at the back, the goalie and the defenders. And everyone was happy at the end of the match. Everyone had lots of fun.
By Reuben and Harrison H (Year 6)