Wonersh and Shamley Green Church of England Primary School

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Guildford Road, Shamley Green, Surrey, GU5 0RT



Wonersh and Shamley Green Church of England Primary School

A Learning Adventure with Kindness

  1. School calendar


School Opening Hours

Our school day begins at 8:30 and finishes at staggered times:

Reception at 2:50

Year 1 & 2 at 3:00

Year 3 & 4 at 3:10

Year 5 & 6 at 3:20

This means that our infant children spend 32.5 hours a week in school and our junior children spend up to 34 hours a week in school.


Getting in contact with us

If you have any questions or concerns about anything related to your child or the school, please contact Jackie, Katy or Nikki in the office and they will be happy to help.

If you would like to speak to your child's class teacher or the Special Needs Coordinator (Jennifer Korda) please contact the office for an appointment.